Home Health Unit

     Oral and dental hygiene services at home; Devotion, Compassion, Love, Patience, Tolerance, Volunteerism, Trust.

     Our hospital has begun to provide Oral-Oral Healthcare services in May 2011. The Body Oral-Dental Healthcare services include examination and treatment services in the home environment where the person is present.

     Our aim; Yatağa-dependent patients need continuous care and follow-up to their families, love, tolerance, self-sacrifice and compassion without missing the necessary attention to show the necessary medical treatment in the area of oral and dental health.

     Who can benefit from home oral health services?

     Patients with compulsory disabled (physically and mentally), bedridden and similar conditions (COPD, stroke, terminal cancer, etc.) within the boundaries of İstanbul Ilisu Beyoğlu Public Hospitals Association can benefit from this service.

     Home Oral and Dental Health Our Team and Equipment Home Oral-Dental Health We have a dentist, a dentist technician and a nurse in our unit. For our team there is a dental health unit and mobile dental unit specially equipped.

     What are Home Oral Dental Health Services at Home?

     The general situation is assessed by examining by the Home Maintenance Team. As a result, consultation may be required due to the existing diseases and the general condition before the treatment. According to the results of the requested consultations, the treatment of the patients is started.

     In our home, we have services for rehabilitation, tooth cleaning, fixed and moving prosthesis. Oral hygiene training is also provided.

     Oral dental procedures that can not be done at home by our patients are completed by inviting them to the Home Oral-Dental Health Unit in our hospital.

     Patients who are admitted to the home care program are followed up by appointment system and working hours.



     How to Apply to Home Oral Health Care Unit

     The patient / patient may apply by coming to the concerned person directly or by calling the following phone numbers;

     Our Hospital Home Oral and Dental Health Services Unit 0212 320 40 07, Provincial Health Directorate Home Care Coordination Center 0212 444 38 33

     How are Applications Evaluated?

     Our patients are evaluated according to the order of application and visit schedules are prepared and the treatments of our patients are performed. Visit our patients

one day prior to the date of the visit, the information will be notified by telephone to the hospital staff. Changes in the visit schedule Our hospital staff are informed about the relevant diseases.

     Patients and their close attention;

     In order to provide a better service to our patients, we are requested to inform our patients or their relatives about the identity information, chronic diseases and their reports belonging to the patient who was applied for treatment during the application.

     Home Oral and Dental Health Our team wears special types of clothing specially designed by the Ministry of Health. Team members wear turquoise color trousers, seasonally white t-shirt / sweater, turquoise color vest / coat. There are emblems of the Hospital, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Home Health Services Unit emblems. In addition, team members carry ID cards belonging to my hospital.