![dis_eti_temizlik.jpg dis_eti_temizlik.jpg](https://dosyahastane.saglik.gov.tr/Resim/27168/0/disetitemizlikjpg.png)
Our specialist dentists work in our clinic.
Periodontology In our clinic, we treat the diseases of the soft and hard tissues surrounding the teeth, which provide the dentition. Again in this clinic; attempts are made to restore the lost gum with various operations.
Oral hygiene training is given by our periodontologists in order to perform the treatment of our patients as well as proper oral and dental care.
Our clinic has an initial examination room and area where periodontal operations are performed with local anesthesia.
Treatment procedures in our clinic
Subgingival curettage,
I gingivoplasty,
Flap operation,
Periodontal abscess treatment,
Subgingival drug administration,
Tunnel operation,
Implant application
Connective tissue graft,
Biomaterial application,
Serbet gingival graft,
Periodontal ischemia (continuous-transient),
Excessive colic sensitivity,
Frenekto me,
Membrane application.